Vibrant Fruit Cocktail

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The ingredient of Vibrant Fruit Cocktail

  • 8 sugar cubes
  • 16 frozen raspberries
  • 24 thin tawny rind strips
  • 2 x 750ml bottles vigorous white wine chilled

The Instruction of vibrant fruit cocktail

  • place 1 sugar cube 2 raspberries and 3 orange strips in each of 8 champagne flutes culmination behind full of life wine serve

Nutritions of Vibrant Fruit Cocktail

calories: 125 236 calories
calories: n a
calories: n a
calories: 11 grams carbohydrates
calories: 11 grams sugar
calories: n a
calories: 1 grams protein
calories: n a
calories: 45 76 milligrams sodium
calories: https schema org
calories: nutritioninformation