Baobab Dusted French Toast Tree

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Baobab Dusted French Toast Tree considering Eggs, Milk, Bread, Sliced Apple, Baobab, Powdered Sugar, Butter

The ingredient of Baobab Dusted French Toast Tree

  • 3 eggs
  • 3 4 cup milk your another of type
  • 3 slices bread
  • sliced apple
  • 1 teaspoon baobab powbabu00ae organic superfruit powder
  • powdered sugar
  • butter shaped star

Nutritions of Baobab Dusted French Toast Tree

@type: nutritioninformation
@type: 220 calories
@type: 22 grams
@type: 180 milligrams
@type: 11 grams
@type: 1 grams
@type: 9 grams
@type: 6 grams
@type: 260 milligrams
@type: 11 grams